What is a quick and easy way to lose belly fat

What is a quick and easy way to lose belly fat

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The best way to lose belly fat is to start doing crunches or sit ups or any other type of ab workout. Thanks ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-quick-and-easy-way-to-lose-belly-fat ]
More Answers to “What is a quick and easy way to lose belly fat
What is a quick, easy way to lose belly fat?
try diet and exercise!
What is a quick easy way to lose your belly fat in about two week…?
all you have to do is eat the right foods and exercise about 5 times a week. i know thats what everyone says but if you try it then it will work for you.and another thing is to weigh yourself every night so you can keep up with your weight….
What is the quickest and easiest way to lose face, belly, and leg…?
well try doing lil personal excerises working with your legs, and abs… you can look on ivillage.com and go under excerises… also seventeen magazine always has some helpful hints on excersises too…just make sure you excersie and target…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a quick easy way to lose your belly fat in about two weeks ?
A: all you have to do is eat the right foods and exercise about 5 times a week. i know thats what everyone says but if you try it then it will work for you.and another thing is to weigh yourself every night so you can keep up with your weight.so try my advice.what i like to do is play sports with my friends,and i love candy.but sometimes i try to limit myself.just eat stuff like meat,veggies,and my favorite FRUIT!! drink stuff like milk, juice, a lot of water, and smoothies are really good!! so please try my advice and i hope it works for you.if it does or doesn’t please send me a message!
i need a quick, easy and effective way to lose belly fat on my lower belly…to burn the fat and tone my tummy
Q: i can’t do a lot of extensive working out, b/c i have muscle problems and i don’t have a very good place to do it…dieting helps to an extent, but i always fail my diets and i can lose a few pounds, and manage my eating after that but im a teenager and its hard to lose a lot of weight. is there any exercises i can do to burn this lower tummy fat? i just want a flatter toned belly. but i don’t have a very accessible place to do a big work-out…can anyone help?
A: LMAO you’re chunky!!!
i need a easy and really quick way to lose belly fat?
Q: i need it done in 3 weeks
A: Central obesity, commonly referred to as belly fat, is the accumulation of fat deposited between the internal organs in the torso resulting in an increase in waist size. There is a strong correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease.While central obesity can be obvious just by looking at the naked body , the severity of central obesity is determined by taking waist and hip measurements. The absolute waist circumference (>102 centimetres in men and >88 centimetres in women) and the waist-hip ratio (>0.9 for men and >0.85 for women) are both used as measures of central obesity.PreventionPerforming adequate aerobic exercise and eating a healthy diet prevent central obesity, and losing weight via these methods is the main way to reverse the condition.Aerobic exerciseAerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobic means “with oxygen”, and refers to the use of oxygen in the body’s metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time. To obtain the best results, an aerobic exercise session involves a warming up period, followed by at least 20 minutes of moderate to intense exercise involving large muscle groups, and a cooling down period at the end.Healthy dietA healthy diet involves consuming nutrients by eating the appropriate amounts from all of the food groups, including an adequate amount of water. Since human nutrition is complex, a healthy diet may vary widely, and is subject to an individual’s genetic makeup, environment, and health. For around 20% of the human population, lack of food and malnutrition are the main impediments to healthy eating.Conversely, people in developed countries have the opposite problem; they are more concerned about obesity.To read more http://binbrain.com/blog/?p=308

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