Who is the strongest woman alive

Who is the strongest woman alive

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Jill Mills, a Nurse with the US Army, won the latest Strongest Woman Alive contest (2004) in Riverside, CA. She is the proprietor of “Jill’s Bodymill,” which offers personal training, registered massage therapy, and diet consultation. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-strongest-woman-alive ]
More Answers to “Who is the strongest woman alive
What is the sport of “Strongwoman”? and Who is The Stro…?
n.: an intense sport of which the modern derivation is a direct descendent of the Scottish and Icelandic/Scandinavian test of manhood. A typical strongman competition is a test of strength, endurance, ingenuity and heart. It consists of eve…

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Q: I work at a chicken farm, and on this chicken farm, they encourage us to wear full suits to avoid the chicken blood and H5N1 (bird flu)…some dude got it last week…but he died…it was so sad…so anyways, im hacking this chicken up, and i thought to myself, i wonder if i could rip the head off the chicken without using the macheti. i have dreamed that i did, before. and in my dreams, no blood was spilled…i was awesome, quick, too…so one day, i was in the back room at work, and i took some ephedrine and waited for it to kick in… man, did it kick in…i had to run after the chicken…because they can run fast. so i finally got the chicken, and it was squirming and flailing and squawking..i started to lose my nerve staring at its beady eyes…but then, it leapt up and bit my nose and sent me into a killing frenzy!!! I LOST IT!! I grabbed it by the beak, ripped it right off, and to add insult to injury, only the top beak came off…so i had to do it!!! i had my macheti near by just in case. but i grabbed it by the throat and ripped the neck right off!! it was amazing, such a rush…everyone in the slaughterhouse was in awe of me…well, not awe, per se, but awe was amongst the emotions shared between us all that day…I had to do it, tho…he was beakless and twitchy…i think my heart was int he right place…
A: You dumbass
do u think wonder woman isthe strongest woman hero alive???
A: No. I like to think my mom was the strongest woman hero. She was in my book anyway to have lived with my dad for 60+ years, and through WWII, was a military wife and mom to two that she raised practically all by herself on nickels and dimes, was a wicked cook, even sewed all our clothes herself……!!!!! OMG!
Looking for Nikki Giovanni poem about a phoenix? rebirth? maybe ends w/ “I am strong/alive/woman/etc”?
Q: Heard her speak at Caltech (Pasadena, CA) in February. It was the last poem she read there if that helps.
A: Ok I tried. I even checked in the books I have by her and couldn’t figure out which poem you were talking about. So I tried a yahoo search and the only thing I think will be able to help you is if you contact the bookstore that sponsered her being there. Maybe someone there knows. The website address is : www.vromansbookstore.comGood Luck!

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