How can I lose weight without exercise and dieting

How can I lose weight without exercise and dieting

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There are many types of diet pills & appetite suppressants, but there are side-effects that need to be considered. Meridia is one [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I lose weight without exercise and dieting
How can you lose weight without exercising and diets??
I used everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I used acai berry. I know they say that pills do not work, however they sure worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too.There is a free trial on curren…
How to Lose Weight Without Dieting
・ 1 See your doctor and have an open discussion about your weight issues. Work with your doctor to come… ・ 2 Set a realistic goal. Healthy weight loss will only be about 1 pound per week. It will take a long… ・ 3 Start by eating less fo…
Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise??
I found this article and the research is uncovering some excellent information. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that were possible? Read more about this Research now! Making Obese Mice Slim, Without Diet or Exercise – Yahoo! News WEDNESDAY, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is there a healthy way to lose weight without xtreme exercise or dieting ?
Q: I need to lose weight before school starts not only to be healthier but also to be able to get the girls I have my eyes onplease, no criticisimI am a 16 yr old male that is 5 foot 10 inches tall and weigh 252 pounds if any of this is information that will help with your answer
A: The first thing you need to know is that any weight loss program that promises more than 4 pounds a week loss is unhealthy. Regardless if you are male or female more than 4 pounds a week will result in lean muscle tissue loss. Lean muscle loss means that your body will metabolize these tissues before fat. So you can actually gain fat on these diets. Gaining fat is not what you want? The healthiest way of loosing weight as fat is a combination of exercise and caloric restriction. This is not as bad as it might sound. Using caloric restriction and exercise is the healthiest way to lose weight. As an example lets say you are a couch potatoe then you would take your weight times 11. This is your daily requirement for calories. If all you did was to lower your daily caloric intake by 200 a day your weekly intake would be 1400 calories less than before. One pound of weight equals 3600 calories 1400 is more than 33% . On a daily basis 200 is about 10% of what you will need. I hope that looking at the math will show you that daily it is fairly easy, and it really adds up weekly. If you need to fill the gap daily I suggest sunflower seed, walntuts, pecans, or pistashios all of these produce an enzyme that tells your brain that it is full usually after one serving (2 OZ). If you combine this with walking 30 min. a day 3 days a week you will lose weight. My personal experience with this? I am 41 now I am 5’8″ and weigh 170. At 13 I weighed 185 at 5′ 4″ what this means is at 13 I was overweight age,sex , and height are a factor. Now as far as getting the girl: make her laugh and be confident. I know, what you really wanted to know I put at the end.
if i exercise without dieting will i lose weight?
Q: I’m really bad at dieting but am going to the gym 3-4 times a week, I don’t want to give up chocolate (especially as wispa’s are back!) will I lose weight if I eat it in moderation and keep it up at the gym?
A: Yes, excersise = Burning calories = weight lossOf course if you eat twice as much as you burn, then you gain weight.
How can I lose weight without exercise, medicine and dieting course?
A: eat healthy and no junk food then drink lots of water and just play sports like 20 min aday if u WANT!!

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