How effective is p90x

How effective is p90x

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How effective is p90x”,you can compare them.

I found a lot of positive reviews, it seems to be a great home workout remedy instead of going to the gym. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How effective is p90x
Why is P90X so effective?
The secret behind the P90X system is an advanced training technique called “Muscle Confusion,” which accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus, and you never get bored! Whet…
How effective is the p90x cardio workout?
if your heart rate is up and if you sweat during it then it’s very effective.
How effective is P90x withough strickly following the diel plan??
if this is your first time working out, your body will be shoked from the workout and you will lose weight, but not as quickly as you would if you were following the meal plan. My advice, Stick to the plan, and give yourself a cheat day, yo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is p90x and effective way to gain muscle for me?
Q: Hi, im a 16 year old boy approximately 5’4 (155 cm) and weight approximately 55kgs. I was wondering if p90x will be an effective way for me to gain muscle mass fast and effectively, so it stands out and will make me fit and strong. thanks
A: well i used it, to tell you the truth its more of a weight loss system, my advice is to lift weights and eat alot, me and you should be penpals and talk about our workouts, im statring on 10/19/08, i just quit p90x i did gain muscle definiton but lost weight and im 16yrs old, 5.8 , and weigh 58 kgs, i want to get big
How effective is P90x withough strickly following the diel plan?
Q: im a sucker for bad foods but am starting p90x
A: if this is your first time working out, your body will be shoked from the workout and you will lose weight, but not as quickly as you would if you were following the meal plan. My advice, Stick to the plan, and give yourself a cheat day, your metabolism will still go high and you get to enjoy the bad foods. As time goes on, limit your cheat days to once a month instead of once a week. Best wishes.
How effective is the p90x cardio workout?
Q: If I do it 3-5 times a week, after my weight training workouts?
A: You should burn tons of fats. Its pretty intense.

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