How fast do people usually run

How fast do people usually run

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How fast do people usually run”,you can compare them.

Anywhere from 5-10 mph. Running at 9 mph = 6.6 minutes per mile. Thanks for using chacha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How fast do people usually run
Why do black people usually jump higher and run faster than other…?
They are generally more muscular. This is because when they were being transported in slave ships, the ones that could retain the most salt and water survived. This became the dominant gene and caused the muscles to become strong and withst…

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Q: Just out of curiousity, for those of you who are avid treadmill runners like myself, how fast do you typically run?
A: Anywhere b/w 7.0 and 12.0 (dependent on what I am doing). When I’m shape and cutting I would usually do ~3 miles at a 7-7:30 min/mile pace. When i’m out of cardio shape I would do closer to 2 miles at a 7:45-8 min./mile pace. I hate treadmills though so I run outside all summer long (while it’s nice)
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A: run on the balls of your feet
why do black people usually jump higher and run faster than other races?
A: They are generally more muscular. This is because when they were being transported in slave ships, the ones that could retain the most salt and water survived. This became the dominant gene and caused the muscles to become strong and withstanding. This buildup continued over generations of the black population.If this is wrong, then I’m sorry and I didn’t mean to offend anyone!

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