What is the best exercise to loose fat

What is the best exercise to loose fat

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Your focus should be to burn one pound of body fat per week. Try creating a deficit of 500 calories per day for a total of MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-to-loose-fat ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise to loose fat
What is the best exercise to loose belly fat?
You need a combination of exercise and diet. Reducing calories, particularly sugary foods is a good start. No single exercise can reduce belly fat, so the idea of a “best” exercise isn’t the right way to think about it. Recent stu…
What is the best exercise to loose upper addominal fat??
I have the same problem. You can’t target one area to lose weight. You have to think of your body as a mound. When losing weight you lose weight from all areas. It just looks like some areas are losing more than others but you are losing we…
Which is the best exercise or way to loose fat from the back??
You can’t chose where to lose fat from, so you gotta lose fat everywhere. Stick with a good weight and cardio workout and work on your diet and you should get to your goals.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best exercise to loose belly fat?
Q: What is the best exercise to loose the belly fat or the fat around the waist. Jogging alone does not seem to help. Any suggestions for something simple yet efficient?
A: You need a combination of exercise and diet. Reducing calories, particularly sugary foods is a good start. No single exercise can reduce belly fat, so the idea of a “best” exercise isn’t the right way to think about it. Recent studies indicate that the quickest way to loose fat overall, including belly fat, is through high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT works well because it burns fat during the exercise, and allows your body to continue to burn fat for several hours after the exercise is done. You can do this by running or cycling, as long as you are alternating 30 seconds or so of intense speed or hill climb with a slow recovery period of 2-3 minutes. Warm up for 5 minutes or so, then repeat this high-intensity/slow sequence 5 to 6 times per workout, then cool down and stretch. See the references for some ideas, but don’t take these websites too seriously. Like any theme website, they are in love with their concepts. But their ideas are based on sound science (read NY Times reference).
What is the best exercise to loose stomach fat except for sit ups?
Q: What is the best exercise to loose stomach fat except for sit ups?
A: Contrary to the decades-old notion that sit ups are the way to lose abdominal fat; the only true way is through a combination of cardiovascular exercise AND DIET. Focus on a fresh diet (lean proteins, lots of veggies, fruits, and water). Skip out on anything that is heavily processed, and that is mostly chemicals. Try this for a month:Basically pretend that you are living back in 1908. Walk anywhere, and everywhere. Drive only when absolutely necessary (all it takes is better pre-planning). Buy the basics, and get creative with the recipes. Add to this a combination of cardio, and the weight is literally melting away (I am proof!). After a significant amount has dropped (the first 25% or more), add in a strength training routine (this includes your abs). This way you can build muscle and avoid a plateau at the same time. Vary your routine, get really creative. Don’t forget to make sure you get enough rest, and avoid things like HFCS, hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils, fake (chemically processed) sugars, alcohol, etc.Good Luck!
Which exercise is best to loose fat on hips,and which workout machine should i use to burn fat on my hips?
Q: I have got a lot of fat on my hips, and i wanna burn that fat by exercising, but i dont want to loose weight, as i am 5’5 and weigh 50kg.And please tell me which workout machine is best for me? Should i start cycling or should i buy a jogging treadmill? And i am a girl so i dont wanna make muscles, i just wanna burn fat on my hips.
A: you can use the video called turbo jam to loose from your hips.

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