What is the best way to lose a belly

What is the best way to lose a belly

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to lose a belly”,you can compare them.

Lower your calorie/fat intake, get plenty of aerobic exercise, do ab exercises to tone as you lose and drink plenty of water! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-lose-a-belly ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to lose a belly
What Is the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?
Many people have at least a little bit of excess fat around the midsection, which can often be one of the most stubborn fat store on the body. Some turn to abdominal workouts or dieting to attempt to get rid of the fat. While these measures…
Best Ways To Lose Belly Fat – How To Lose Belly Fat Fast?
Cardio exercises are also a good choice as they are very effective in burning fats to release useful energy for the body. This is how to lose belly fat with the help of exercises. Low Fat Diet It is important that you eat a healthy fat free…
Is doing sit-ups the best way to lose my belly?
Abdominal exercises are great for strengthening and firming up the abdominal muscles, but they do little to erase the fat that accumulates at the belly. To lose the fat, you literally have to burn it off by using it for energy. You can do t…

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Please help. Need to lose belly fat quickly! Whats the healthiest, quickest way?
Q: I have a modeling interview next week, and have some belly fat i need to get rid of. Whats the best way to do this, focusing on belly fat? Want to lose 4-5 pounds.ThanksNote: NO ADVERTISEMENT PLEASE
A: I would suggest supersetting or interval training. it combines strength training(for building lean muscle tissue) and cardio(for fat burning). you don’t need any fancy equipment or an expensive gym membership. example: squats, push-ups, pull-ups, mountain climbers(if you can’t do a push-up or pull-up=> use dumbbells or resistance bands & do a pushing exercise and a pulling exercise instead). do 15 reps of each back to back to back to back without resting. that equals 1 set. rest 30-60 secs. repeat. do 3-5 complete sets. Do this 3-4x/week. If you noticed there are no sit-ups or crunches in this workout(I personally think sit-ups & crunches are a waste of time). the best way to burn fat and tighten up your midsection & core is through total body exercises! This style of training doesn’t have you spending in hours and hours a week training either. They are short, fast and effective! These workouts are great for women or men! what you put in your body is important as well. Your body needs all 3 macro-nutrients to survive — carbohydrates, protein and fat. If you cut out one of those macro-nutrients your body will not function properly and eventually break down. Eat whole, naturally occuring foods. Nothing processed, packaged or anything with added sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Live by this quote: “If you can’t hunt it, fish it, pick it from a tree, bush or the ground, DON’T eat it.” good luck
What would be the best way to lose belly fat & love handles fast?
Q: I want to be in better shape by the time summer rolls around. I have a little bit of belly fat and love handles, and even some inner thigh fat. Can anyone tell me the best way to lose that fast without involving any diet pills or anything like that. I want pure exercise, I want to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds in around six weeks. Please, let me know if you have an exercise plan or tips at least, to help me achieve this.
A: The best exercise to help tone the love handles are side bends. These place direct stress on the external oblique muscles forcing them to tone and shape up. Side bends are done by standing straight with knees slightly bent and feet apart, then slowly lower the trunk a few inches to the left side then back again to do the right side. Try to keep the body and legs in line by not bending forwards or backwards. Another great exercise to lose love handles is torso twists. The abdominals are composed of 3 layers of muscles which slide over each other, torso twists help tone the transverse abdominis muscle tightening the love handles. While standing firmly with feet shoulder width apart, the torso twists gently to the left side then to the right while at the same time trying to limit the movement from the hips. During the movements the torso should always remain upright, there should be no bending involved. Care should also be taken not to twist too far as its easy to pull a muscle when exercising the love handles!
What is the best way to lose belly fat and then get a packs?
Q: I want to lose my belly fat it like a pouch down there but i don’t really know the best way to do it and after you lose the belly fat what is the best way to get a six pack or just simply a 2 packs or a 4 packs any answer will help thanks you all
A: There is no way to lose fat in a certain area only, your fat loss has to come from your whole body. A combination of weight training along with moderate cardio and a sensible diet will do the trick. Best time for cardio is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to burn fat 20-30 minutes at 70-80% max heart rate. Do resistance training in the evening or afternoon, 2-3 exercises per body part using a bodybuilding type workout. Stay away from junk food, sugary food, and sodas and alcohol. As you lose bodyfat and gain or at least keep muscle, you will start to see the ab muscles. Ab muscles will only show when your bodyfat gets reduced, it’s not about building gigantic ab muscles, it’s more about losing the body fat that covers them already; everyone has a 6 pack, but you can’t see it because of the fat. . . bottom line.

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