What machines at the gym that burn the most calories

What machines at the gym that burn the most calories

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What machines at the gym that burn the most calories”,you can compare them.

The treadmill burns the most calories of any of the cardiovascular machines burn about 100 calories per mile, walking briskly. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-machines-at-the-gym-that-burn-the-most-calories ]
More Answers to “What machines at the gym that burn the most calories
How many calories dus the machines in the gym burn ??
it doesn’t work like that. the amount of muscle that a person has and the level of intensity determines the amount of calories expended during exercise. so basically everyone burns a different amount of calories when exercising counting the…
What machines should i use at the gym to burn about 600 calories??
A treadmill. Run about 3 or 4 miles on it and you’ll burn about 600 calories. Also an elliptical or a bike. Also the weights. You burn the most calories doing 3 sets of 10 reps on weights than anything else.
Which gym machine is the most effective to burn calories??
If you step into a gym, you would see some types of cardio machines like “Elliptical trainer”, “bike”, “treadmills”, “rowing machine”, or “stair climber”. Now some of you might ask “which of these machines is the most effective in burning…

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Q: I want to burn about 800 calories in an hour and a half.Tell me what machines to use and how much time!i weigh 192
A: If you want the most impact in the shortest amount of time, avoid the machines and swim laps for an hour. Or, jump rope or jog. That is, if you have no limitations that would eliminate these exercises. Otherwise, the stair master or cross-trainer would be useful.
Is the number of calories you burn accurately displayed on those exercising machines at the gym?
Q: For example, your treadmill says you’ve burned 100 calories so far, is that accurate?
A: It depends on whether you told the truth about your weight or just put in the number you hope to be someday when you did the setup. With the correct number it is close enough for its intended purpose which is to give you an idea of the impact of exercise on your body.
What machines should i use at the gym to burn about 600 calories??
Q: You name them and also put the time next to it.Thanks….best one wins 10 points!!!
A: A treadmill. Run about 3 or 4 miles on it and you’ll burn about 600 calories. Also an elliptical or a bike. Also the weights. You burn the most calories doing 3 sets of 10 reps on weights than anything else.

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