How can I enlarge my butt

How can I enlarge my butt

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I enlarge my butt”,you can compare them.

Squats are the best way to add muscle to your legs, and the stairmaster works great too. ChaCha for now. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I enlarge my butt
What can i do to enlarge my butt?
do butt exercises squat by putting your back on a wall for one minute
How can i enlarge my butt and hips?
do muscle building excercises and ad alot more calories to your diet along with protien and a vitamin called L-lysine to your diet. lysine helps your body assimilate protiens so its great for building your glutes and since muscl is made of …
What will enlarge your butt to a bigger size without surgery or s…?
Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, in my opinion, you should not change your body in any way. It’s just not healthy. The only way I can think is to get fat, then liposuction every other part of your body except the bottom.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exercises can help enlarge your butt?
Q: What kind of workouts can help enlarge your butt size??? Serious question by the way!
A: to work out your legs and butt the best exercise is squats. you can also work in leg presses
Does anyone know the name of the pills or shots you can get to enlarge your butt size?
Q: And also the place or website to purchase them. (Serious answers only)
A: McNugetts
Are there any exercises that can help lift or enlarge your butt or hips?
A: To enlarge them, all you have to do is eat, eat alot of fatty foods…but I’m sure that is not what you want to do. So to lift your butt or hips, do squats. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart, and squat down, like you are going to sit into an invisible chair. Keep doing squats for 10-15 min a day and your butt will lift and tone.

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