How can i get a flat stomach

How can i get a flat stomach

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i get a flat stomach”,you can compare them.

To get a flat stomach: Focus on cardio exercise (instead of ab crunches, etc.). Lower your fat and sugar intake. Be patient! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i get a flat stomach
・ 1 Consume the smallest amount of sugar possible. Sugar bloats your stomach. Consuming sugar will absolutely… ・ 2 Watch how often you’re chewing gum. When you’re chewing gum, you are likely to swallow MORE air which… ・ 3 Get plenty of …
In not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body like your belly so to lose belly fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body. In short – Eat healthier, this means: Eat smaller meals Eat more meals a day Don’t sta…
・ Eat healthier and cut down junk food , such as replacing potato chips and chocolates with fruits . You’ll… ・ Watch how many soft drinks you consume. Consider flavored water as an alternative if you must. ・ Do aerobic exercises daily at …

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A: The first ab exercise basic is not an exercise at all, in fact, it’s what you eat. Diet is the single most important part of any weight loss program. The benefits to exercise can only be realized if a healthy diet is maintained. The second ab exercise basic is the frequency of training. People often think that you need to work your ab muscles more than your other muscles in order to get them lean and ripped. This is simply not the case. Abdominal muscles are like any other muscle group, they need periods of work and periods of rest. The third ab exercise basic is cardiovascular training (often just called cardio). You will never develop a flat stomach without doing some type of cardiovascular exercise. Cardio burns the fat that is covering the layer of abdominal muscle that you are building.
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A: forty crunches in the morning, forty more before bed. Also, do between forty and eighty leg raises. Running for ten minutes three to seven times a week would help tighten up your skin, too.
How to get a flat stomach quickly for show night…?
Q: Okay so I have a show in 2 weeks tomorrow, and for one of my performances I’ll be doing a song from the “Little Mermaid” and I’ll be wearing that style of outfit. While I am pretty slender anyway (5″6 height and 9Stone Weight) I still want to tone up a bit so my stomach is flat for the show, my main form of exercise is swimming and using my exercise wheel ( I also do about 5000 steps on average daily during the week and more generally at the weekend…so I just want to know how much of all this etc. I need to do to get toned up quickly. Thankyou in advance for any answers…
A: You cannot “spot reduce” body fat – it’s not possible. The human body will take fat in the same proportional way it put it out. The only option is to reduce your overall body fat percentage.

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