Does walking help you get into shape

Does walking help you get into shape

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does walking help you get into shape”,you can compare them.

Yes, walking is one of the easiest and most profitable forms of exercise, and it really burns the calories. Good luck! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does walking help you get into shape
Can Nordic walking help me lose weight and get in shape??
You bet it can! If you want to lose weight and increase your fitness level, Nordic walking might just be the key. By combining a set of walking poles with a healthy stride, it is possible to burn more calories and generate greater weight …
When a wear a girdle everyday while exercising and just walking h…?
If you wear a supportive (not restrictive) girdle it can help your stomach muscles heal if they split during pregnancy or labour.
Will walking and dieting help get me in shape??
Yes, definitely. Make sure to get enough water in and don’t deprive yourself of the calories and vitamins/nutrients necessary for healthiness and you should certainly see some weight loss and muscle gain.

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I’m overweight and recently began walking to get myself into shape. How long will it take to see results?
Q: I just turned 20 last month and I am 70lbs overweight!! I used to be very thin, and then at 10 years old I was WRONGLY medicated and put on about 7 different anti-depressants. ((From the time i was 10 until I was 17 I was on no less than 7 meds at one time))….These medications not only messed with my mind/mood on a daily basis – but they also caused me to gain unreasonable amounts of weight ((says my new doctor))…I have recently began walking 4 miles 2 times a week. I do not speed walk or jog at this point, I just walk and chat with my boyfriend ((who walks with me)). Before I move up to speed – walking, i’d like to ‘get myself into shape’ a bit so that I dont put too much strain on my body.My doctor suggested losing 10lbs before I do any other kind of exercise.Doing what I am doing (4 miles 2 times a week) how long would it take me to lose those 10lbs?Just some added information.I’m not so overweight that i’m bedridden and cant fit into normal clothes. I still find my sizes at regular stores, i am a full time college student, and i work full time at a childcare center where i recently became head teacher of a 3 year old group. It is a very rare occasion that I just get to sit around and do nothing all day. When I am not at work I’m home with my siblings (ages 5,7, and 8) who keep me very busy!! We also have a pool that i’ve began swimming in.Because my life has always been pretty active…i have added more activity (the walking) to try to help myself lose the weight that i gained while on those meds. Its very difficult becuase i was doing everything properly (diet/activity wize..) but my metabolism was not working correctly (again, according to my current doctor)..****I know that answers will not be exact, I am just looking for an “average”
A: I did the same thing as you when I was 5’2 and 200 pounds. I lost about a pound per week when I walked my dog around the block every weather-permitting night and limited myself to one cup of soda a week (I still ate chips however). It took me about 3 weeks to start seeing results. The first loss was a huge 8 pounds, though. After that it became the steady pound per week. You walk about the same amount as I did right now, so I’d say a pound a week as long as you eat somewhat healthy. Remember to go further after a while, though! I eventually got up to 5 to 6 mile walks every day with my dog. It took a few months to get there, but I did! Then I moved up to biking, starting at 15 minutes a day and ending up at an hour a day. I lost up to twi pounds a week, but made sure not to go over that weight loss. I would, however, start going on really short walks more often. But whatever works for you is fine. Sceduales can be hard. Not to mention you are already quite active in your daily routine. If you ever end up walking alone, take some music to make it less lonely. Be careful of cars of course when you do that!;) Lastly, remember to vary your routine if you get bored. Like where you walk or what you do, etc. Otherwise you can get bored after a while. I know I did. Above all, don’t think too much about the weight aspect. Just enjoy yourself feeling better from the extra activity!Best of luck in your weight-loss journey and great for you for getting healthier!:)
is walking 30 min everyday will get you into shape?
Q: I walk everyday for 30 min will this help me stay in shape?
A: It helps, especially for your heart. If there are steps or a moderate hill involved, it’s a bonus.

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