What is the best exercise for the body

What is the best exercise for the body

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best exercise for the body”,you can compare them.

Swimming and running are the best exercises for the body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-for-the-body ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise for the body
What is the Best Exercise For Your Body?
The best exercise is one that incorporates the entire body because the entire body works as a single unit. The two exercises that do this are the deadlift and the squat. Overall, I would have to say the deadlift is the best overall exercise…
Is exercise good for spot reducing (that is, losing weight from a…?
No. You lose weight by burning more calories than you consume. Resistance training (strength training) can firm up the muscles in a specific body part, but you will not lose weight in that area. There are significant benefits to firming up,…
What is the best exercise to lose body fat the fastest??
With a good nutritionally balanced diet, a combination of a cardio activity and weights training will lose body fat the fastest. Obviously, the more cardio you do, they more fat you will burn. However, it must be noted that men and women lo…

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Q: I’m not over weight or anything, but i know that i do have a good amount of unnecessary body fat and i just want to lose it and tone my muscles in a healthy way. I’m about 5.4″ and weighing around 136 pounds, my doctor said that i had a full recovery and that i can do strenuous exercise, i just don’t know what would be the best for someone of my age. Any help?
A: Type in Tabatas in your browser. It is the best workout to do and it requires little time but you have to work it to your fullest. It takes only around 4 to 15 min (depending on your workout level) It a 20 second full out move with a 10 second rest period. You do this set 8 times. I alternate between a squat with a weight (not sure exactly what you call it) and jumping rope or jogging on the spot. You are really breathing heavy once you are done, but it works and it takes so little time. You burn much more doing this type of workout rather than a 30 to 1 hr regular workout. It is high impact interval workout. No pills or diets ever worked for me. This does. Far too much false and harmful stuff out there! No pill or diet will tone your body. Working the muscle will do that as well as burn the fat!
What is the best exercise to burn body fat FAST?
Q: as the title says.What is the best exercise to burn body fat quickly?
A: high intensity interval training (HIIT)
What are the best exercise to achieve the mesomorph (triangular) body shape?
Q: Ive been going to the gym regularly and have seen quite big imrpvements, however i feel i probably still could do with widening by upper body. Any exercise that can hit the core muscles to make this shape possible?
A: There are a number of excercises you can do to create or widen a V shape pysique. Being that you belong to a gym there should be several machines to help you achieve this goal. The rowing machine hits the lats and will also work the rear deltoids which will help improve posture. Another excercise I found really helpful as well is doing bent over rows with a barbell. You bend over and pull the bar up to your chest. Use a heavy enough weight so that you can do 8 to 12 reps which will help you build muscle. mass. On off days, do as many pull ups (palms facing out) as you can. This will really help shape your lat muscles and build endurance. See how many sets of 15 you can do and be consistent. You might also consider doing some standing military presses as well to hit your shoulders.. that will broaden your stance and complete the mesomorph look you are aiming to achieve. Good luck. I hope some of this helps

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