How can I increase muscle size

How can I increase muscle size

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I increase muscle size”,you can compare them.

The best way to increase muscle size is to consume enough protein because it provides the building blocks of muscle. Get enough to grow enough. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I increase muscle size
You can do this a number of ways. One of the main ways is Lifting Weights. Other ways includes Pull Ups, Push Ups, Lifting heavy items Daily. Bike Riding also work very well for building Muscles in the Leg area when you have the Gears in Lo…
I just turned 27 and I’ve been working out for years. I’ve been trying lately to take more days off and have been more willing to rest. In fact your split of 3 on, 1 off/3 on, 2 off has been so helpful. I am very strong, but the size just w…
Packing on muscle takes a lot more than just pounding weights in the gym. You also need to give your body the nutrition it needs to grow. Without the right nutrition you’re wasting your time. If you want to step on the scales a few months f…

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A: Luke your stupid.i have been using the iron gym for a month and a half and have gained 12 pounds in really uses your body resistance against your muscles.
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A: Nitric Oxide Or Creatine
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A: you can certainly workout 5 days a week……. as long as u keep your workouts down to 45 – 60 mins a session.. and you only train each muscle once per week……. if u go 3 a week that is fine, but u will have to do more work in those 3 days….as long as u have 2 days break in the week and you have plenty of calories to eat.. lots of protein.. one gram for each pound u weigh..

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