How can you lose weight without dieting or working out

How can you lose weight without dieting or working out

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you lose weight without dieting or working out”,you can compare them.

Eat Breakfast Every Day, Close the Kitchen at Night, Eat More Produce, Switch to Lighter Alternatives, Cut Back On Soda. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you lose weight without dieting or working out
How do you lose weight quick…without heavy dieting or heavy wor…?
So you want to lose significant weight with out doing anything? Not going to happen with out surgery. To get some results somewhat fast start doing crunches when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Pick part of your body that you don’t…
Does anyone have any good ideas to lose weight without going on t…?
It’s really very simple. There are 2 categories of workouts and you only need to focus on one of those for weight loss. They are: 1. Resistance training – weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. 2. Cardiovascular Training – brisk walking/ru…
How can i lose weight if dieting and excersising isnt working??
Your biggest problem without a doubt is that you’re completely overtraining! By working out 2-3 hrs/day about 5 days a week, you’re body is screaming for precious recovery time and has most likely severely plateaued. Your body absolutely ne…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you lose weight quick…without heavy dieting or heavy working out?
Q: When I say heaving working out i mean like weights and stuff. A diet is ok but nothing starvation. ( Please prefer a diet also please) Like walking is good. And for woman/teens. And not quick but like before summer. Thank you…
A: So you want to lose significant weight with out doing anything? Not going to happen with out surgery.To get some results somewhat fast start doing crunches when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Pick part of your body that you don’t like and find a work out for just that. That way you see results fast and have motivation.
Is it possible to lose weight without dieting?
Q: I really want to lose weight but I hate dieting. Like I hate it when people say I can’t have a piece of pizza I’m on a diet. Or I can’t go to dairy queen. I have been trying to lose weight forever. I’m eating a little healthier like fruits and veggies but normal stuff, like pizza, cheesburgers, ice cream. I have been working out alot and keep trying to lose weight but so far I haven’t losta pound. Why can’t I lose weight. I’m 5’7″ and weight 160 pounds. Is it possible to lose weight without dieting because I really don’t want to.
A: yeah ,, exercise more ,, n eat a bit of everything ,, i m not asking u not to eat a particular food item ,, just control the amount u eat !
Teens, Would you prefer a free telephone conference call or a podcast on “How to lose weight without dieting”?
Q: I have a weight loss company for teens and want to do a free call or podcast for teens on “How to lose weight without Dieting.” I’m wondering what would be better, a free conference call or a podcast. I appreciate any answers. The following are examples of problems I help teens resolve in order to lose weight (it is not a typical weight loss program).Do I eat for emotional or external reasons (boredom, procrastination, lonliness, sadness, body dissatisfaction, even happiness, because the food tastes so good, because my friends and family want me to eat, because food is expensive so I have to eat it all, because children are starving in the world, etc.)Do I eat to cope with stress?Do I binge eating?Is it possible for me to feel fabulous about myself at my current weight as I am losing?Our mission is to help teens to stop dieting (it only works for 1 of 100) and how to permanently solve their problems of excess weight. Thanks!Kim Hiatt, Ph.D.
A: Sounds like a good plan. I think probably a podcast would be more popular and versatile. Also, it’s more up-to-date.

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