How did love handles get their name

How did love handles get their name

Health related question in topics Name Etymology Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How did love handles get their name”,you can compare them.

Nobody really knows where it came from but it’s always meant “something to hang onto while making love.” ChaCha anytime! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How did love handles get their name
How to Get Rid of Love Handles
・ 1 Go to the grocery store and purchase natural, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, salads… ・ 2 Develop an eating pattern where you eat multiple times throughout the day. Never skip breakfast, and… ・ 3 Develop or continue an…
What are “love handles”?
Love Handles are fat around the hip area. Showing a disturbance in the Large Intestine organ. Some habits in the lifestyle such as too much bread or not enough excercise will cause fat to appear there rather than other places on the body. T…
Where are your love handles?
kid r u serious i not trying to be mean but ugh. ur love handles r ur privates k

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Where in the world did “LOVE handle” get their name from?
Q: Just wondering… =]I just read it book, and came across this question-so, i got curious-why did love handles get named after…love? and handle? is it a handle of love or something?hmmm…i wonder…
A: Love handles = the rolls of fat around the waist. Now picture making love and needing something to hold on to… Get the picture?
How do I get rid of fat on the lower back and love handles without any exercise equipment or something?
Q: I wanna do this without buying anything.When should I do situps or crunches?I do it before I go to bed.I only do 28 or 50 but if anybody thinks I should do more I will….How many?I already got the stomach.My stomach is not fat.Its normal.Its just that I got a little fat on the sides and lower back.I cant get rid of the damn thing.I dont know what to do.Any ideas?I dont want to buy anything.And do you think I should do situps every time I wake up?How many times a day and how may do I do?Cmon name some exercises.!!!!!!!!!Love handles are gay.!!!!!!!!I wanna get rid of those bad boys.And im not fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: If it is possible then eat food without adding any salt in all the dishes and within one month you will start losing fat because it is the salt that is essential for the fat accumilation and when you stop adding salt to food then you will lose it and at the same time the natural salt found in the vegetables would be sufficient for you to maintain good health.
what is the real name for love handles?
A: fat

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