Is it true that white man can’t jump

Is it true that white man can’t jump

Health related question in topics Fitness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it true that white man can’t jump”,you can compare them.

No conclusive research documents that theory.Anyone who thinks white men can’t jump hasn’t watched Tyler Hansbrough in action. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it true that white man can’t jump
Why can’t white men jump?
white men CAN jump, there are plenty of players in the NBA that prove this also look at pole vaulters most of them are white. I’m black btw.
Can White Men Jump?
Wesley Snipes told us white men couldn’t jump, but Wesley got slapped in the face by Woody who proved otherwise. You see, some white men can jump. Just not all of them.
What is plot of White Men Can’t Jump ?
Black and white basketball hustlers join forces to double their chances. full summary | add synopsis

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