What are ways to tone your thighs

What are ways to tone your thighs

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Advanced Walking or Power walking is one good way. There are also workouts like lunging that will help as well! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-ways-to-tone-your-thighs ]
More Answers to “What are ways to tone your thighs
What are some good ways to tone thighs and buttoccks?
Get a water rowing machine. If you’ve never seen one, it’s this sliding seat and a handle that you pull back and it spins a propeller in some water. Eh, I can’t explain it. It doesn’t take up very much room and it’s very easy and not messy …
What are fun ways to tone thighs?
sorry hon, but the only way to do it is with squats and lunges. Bike riding and walking won’t work it if you have heavy legs, believe me I’ve tried. But squats and lunges, if done 3-4 times a week, seriously, will slim down your thighs bett…
Do you know ways to tone up the inner and outer thigh muscles??
wallsits! if u do them with your toes pointint inwards u are working your inner thighs. if u do them with your toes pointing out your working outer thighs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good ways to tone your butt and thighs?
Q: I used to dance all the time but I need to get back into shape so I can tryout for my local team, I need some things I can do at home to tone my butt, belly and thighs, they aren’t horrible but my muscle is gone.
A: Running either on a treadmill or outside will definitely help in toning butt and thighs and then right after that while your muscles are still warmed up do several reps of any ab workouts that you like or have helped you in the past. All you need to do is about 20 minutes of this -about 10-15 running and the rest the ab workouts. I did this to get in shape for a cheer team and it really helped me.
are there any REALLY QUICK ways to TONE your THIGHS??
Q: does anyone have any ways to tone your thighs and bum quickly??? i will do just about anything…but don’t have access to gym equipment??? thanks =)
A: Stairs are good, BUT…you need two more tools for the perfect legs: straight-legged deadlifts and lunges. If you are brave, you will want to do squats, too. Trust me, these will give you the best legs you can possibly have.
what are the best ways to tone up your thighs. I exercise and do squats. I am not seeing any result?
Q: I ride the stationary bike at the gym. My thighs still appear to be flabby. all suggestions are welcomed. I also use the leg lift machine.
A: Many people are told that if they do high repititions with low weight it will result in better toned muscles in that area. This is simply not true. High reps and low weight will help with muscle endurance but not with tone. The best way to tone your thighs is to concentrate on losing weight. Since one cannot “spot reduce” (losing fat in just one area) you’re going to need to concentrate on eating a healthy diet that will supplement your endurance exercise. Let me know if this helps and if you need any more information.

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