What do incline bench press do for your muscle

What do incline bench press do for your muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What do incline bench press do for your muscle”,you can compare them.

The incline bench press is a variation of the traditional bench press that specifically targets the upper part of the chest. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-incline-bench-press-do-for-your-muscle ]
More Answers to “What do incline bench press do for your muscle
How similar is 45 degree Incline Bench Press to Military Press as…?
that is how the old school olympic lifters did it. before the olympic lifts were dropped down to just the snatch and the clean and jerk, there used to be a 3rd lift. the clean and press. The snatch was a test of your balance and athleticism…
What muscle does the bench work on? What about incline? Push pres…?
Bench Press: It primarily works the pecs, triceps, shoulders, and lats, but it also works the stomach and legs a little bit as stabalizers. Incline: Pretty similar, but hits the upper pectorals more. Push Press: It’s like a military press, …
What are some ways to rip your pec muscles besides bench and incl…?
Well there is always pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. Oh and overhead where you take the bench bar put some weights on and push it above your head. Make sure you have a spotter or you’ll hurt yourself. Plush drink boost vitamin drinks. If n…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are some ways to rip your pec muscles besides bench and incline press?
A: Well there is always pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. Oh and overhead where you take the bench bar put some weights on and push it above your head. Make sure you have a spotter or you’ll hurt yourself. Plush drink boost vitamin drinks. If none of that works well looks like your going to be weak sorry
For INCLINE Wide-Grip bench press, do you lower bar toward your chest or to your clavicle?
Q: I find conflicting instructions on where to lower the barbell while doing incline (45 degree angle) wide-grip (gripping barbell much wider than shoulder-length) bench press. For SHOULDER-length grip incline press, one site instructs you to lower toward clavicle (just below your Adam’s apple), but they have no instructions for a WIDE-grip incline press. Another site says to lower toward chest for wide-grip incline press. So where should I be lowering the barbell for wide-grip incline bench press? Is either method acceptable and if so, what differences are there in muscle emphasis? Thanks
A: I feel that you should lower the bar towards your chest rather than your clavicle. This would engage the pectoral muscles in a larger range of motion stimulating more muscle fibers and increasing strength and growth. Either way, try both methods. See what feels right. Also, try a little bit of both. Variety is the spice of life, and when it comes to lifting weights, you must be modifying your routine to keep your body guessing and, ultimately, growing.
What are the advantages of Incline Bench Press?
Q: how will it affect my strength and appearance? and will it increase my regular bench press if i do incline bench press for a while? and where will it build muscle, like lower or upper chest, shoulders etc.?
A: Inclines work your upper chest and shoulders more than regular bench presses ( which tend to work your mid and lower chest most ) . I think the inclines give you a better looking upper body , but I would do both .

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