What is the heaviest weight ever bench pressed

What is the heaviest weight ever bench pressed

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the heaviest weight ever bench pressed”,you can compare them.

The world record for assisted bench press is held by Ryan Kennelly with a total weight of 1,075 pounds (489 kilograms) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-heaviest-weight-ever-bench-pressed ]
More Answers to “What is the heaviest weight ever bench pressed
What is the world’s heaviest natural bench press?
According to the World Powerlifting Organization, Ryan Kennelly bench-pressed 1075 lbs (489 kg) on November 8, 2008. This was with the allowed “bench shirt” aid, which increases the lifter’s maximum press by as much as 50%. The wo…
What damage can be done? lifting too much weight/too heavy (muscl…?
No offense to lola, but I’m going to disagree with this entirely. By that advice, almost everyone I know who lifts weights, including myself, is using too much weight. Some people regularly do a SINGLE rep – for example, to determine their …
Will bench pressing heavy weight help me get pecks?
You got it, bud. The formula for a “bulk workout” which is just to get your muscles bigger, is lifting heavy weights fewer times. sets of 5 is ideal. If you go the other way and do sets of 10+, thats what you call a toning workout…

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What type of calcium or supplement is it best for me to take for….?
Q: lower back pain, mostly involving bones, I am taking calcium with vitamin D, but I heard its mostly for teeth, any other suggestions? I have had lower back pain ever since I have been doing heavier weights on bench press where you have to arch your back (which I think strained the bones and ligaments), but am now trying to stay away from heavier weights for the sake of my back.Thanks
A: I am taking Calcium Citrate (a generic of Citrical) for my bones. I take more than the recommended dosage like 4 times the amount, but I’m under a doctor’s care. I’m 30 and I’m experiencing a short term osteoporosis as a result of my crazy parathyroid glands. I ended up having severe bone pain because my calcium was being leached from my bones… long story!If you don’t think it’s working, I would consult a doctor! Yeah… you don’t mess with back pain! I’ve been dealing with it for over 10 years now and I just threw it out again and I’m icing it as we speak! ARG! My calcium supplement also contains vitamin D as you need it to absorb the calcium!
Will my shoulder ever heal on its own? (minor weight lifting injury)?
Q: I hurt my shoulder by lifting weights I’m pretty sure…I think it was when I was doing arm side raises with weights in my hands, or it could have been when I was doing military press (lifting weights over my head)Whenever I lift my right arm outward and up the muscles on the top of my shoulder really hurt and feel strained. And it has been like this for a couple of months…and I haven’t been lifting weights for my shoulders at all in over a month…Is it something serious requiring surgery to fix…or can my body heal itself if I just rest it long enough?I have still been lifting weights for other parts of my body though…that may kind of use the shoulders…like bench press…and actually I have been lifting a lot heavier weights on that lately…could that be the problem?
A: You’ll want to go to the doctor, but it could be a number of things – a physical exam would be essential to figure out where you are weak and what muscles are affected. Could be a rotator cuff tear, which would require surgery and would not just get better with time. Go get it checked out, it shouldn’t be a complicated visit.
terrible headache while lifting weights?
Q: yesterday I was bench pressing heavy weights and while I was coming up with the weight I got a really bad headache all of the sudden. It started in the back of my neck and went to the top of my head. Then I went back to the gym today and right away on my first set of pull ups the same thing happened. Anyone ever experience this? If so how long did you wait before lifting again?PS If you have no idea what your talking about please don’t reply
A: I have had this too, don’t worry bout it, just stay off the weights for a bit (i’d say 3/4 days if you can) and drink lots (WATER!). Loads of people don’t realize you never use only one set of muscles while weight training, you use loads of muscles with free weights as stabilizing muscles. The bad headache is not a headache, just a stabilizing muscle thats been pulled. Hope this helps.

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