Which is a better weight loss? Cardio or weightlifting

Which is a better weight loss? Cardio or weightlifting

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is a better weight loss? Cardio or weightlifting”,you can compare them.

Weight training for weight loss wins every time! But Cardio helps too! Weight Training is better though. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-a-better-weight-loss%3F-cardio-or-weightlifting ]
More Answers to “Which is a better weight loss? Cardio or weightlifting
Is cardio or weight lifting better for weight loss??
Both actually…. why not do 3 cardio days and 2 strength training days? That way you can loose weight while also toning your muscles… Also, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet!
What is better for fat loss, cardio or weight lifting and why??
Cardio below your metabolic threshold (where you stop burning fat and start burning sugar only). You should do cardio to get you to your metabolic threshold and then lift-its the best way! The metabolic threshold test is like $100-$200 but …
Does weight lifting or cardio exercises speed weight loss??
Another factor to weight loss though is diet. Start reducing or completely eliminating sugar (e.g soda, junk food, etc.) and processed foods (anything that comes out of a box or the typical American diet). And start eating more protein, fib…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

weightlifting for weight loss?
Q: Is weight lifting better for weight loss that cardio vascular exercise? I dont have time to run 2 hours a day or even do 10 mins of exercise dvd I have a 24hr care child
A: Actually, yes. Coupled with proper diet & cardio of about 20-30 minutes a day, 3,4 times a week, yes.But you still need 30-40 minutes 4 or 5 times a week. If you dont have 10 minutes for a fitness dvd dont think you can get away with swinging a 5 pound dumbbell 2 or 3 times. It takes effort.
how much protein for weight loss?
Q: I’ve been on a protein diet for five weeks, lost about 6 kg. I need to lost 4 more, but I had to stop with the protein diet. So now, I am adding some vegetables and carbs to it. Just wondering – how much protein do I need to keep getting in order to go on losing weight? I work out, daily, weightlifting and cardio. My coach claims more than 150 grams of protein foods (chicken, eggs, fish) can make me gain weight – what do you think? And which one is the better breakfast – carbs (potato) or proteins (eggs)?
A: Recent studies recommend 100g of protein for women and 150g of protein for men. An excellent way of getting the majority of your protein intake is by using a meal replacement product with extra protein powder if necessary. This takes all the guess work out of two thirds of your protein intake and when combined with a third meal of low fat protein (e.g. chicken or turkey) and low glycaemic vegetables gives the ideal diet to lose weight, gain energy, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and possibly reverse Type II diabetes. The Institute of Health’s Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendations allow for a wide range of protein intake — anywhere from 10% to 35% of total calories — for normal, healthy adults. For example, on an 1,800 calorie diet, you could safely consume anywhere from 45 grams (that’s 10% of calories) to 218 grams (35%) of protein per day.
breakfast for weight loss?
Q: I am trying to lose about 4kgs, fast. I’ve been on a protein diet for five weeks, and now stopped it. Trying a low carb low protein diet, high on fruits and veggies. Basically, except for all the fruits and veggies, I try to eat 2 eggs, about 100 grams of chicken and a potato or rice during the day (maybe two potatoes if they’re tinier). Anyway, since I do weightlifting in the afternoon, I leave the chicken (protein) for around 5pm. Now I am interested what’s a better option for the breakfast meal – carbs? (potato today) or proteins? (2 eggs) Is it better to have the carbs earlier in the morning, or since I am also doing some cardio during the day is it better to have some protein first thing? I also eat about a kg of fruit between 7am and 3pm, so… Any thoughts?Thank you SO much in advance!
A: If you’re doing a low carb diet, the main thing to watch is your carb intake. You generally want to keep this low in the beginning to about 20 grams per day…Eat as much protein until you are full… it doesn’t take much, because protein and fat fill you up very quickly…As for the carbs, rice, potatos and fruits generally have too much carbs when you are just starting… stay away from starchy vegetables… try cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower, etc…If you really need to have fruit, stay with berries–strawberries, blue berries, etc… they generally have lower carbs than other fruit… but count the carbs so that you do not go over the allotted carbs per day…Good luck on your goal…http://info-piece.blogspot.com/2009/04/low-carb-weight-loss.html

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