Does cold water speed up your metabolism

Does cold water speed up your metabolism

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does cold water speed up your metabolism”,you can compare them.

Some say that cold water will speed metabolism but at times warm water does the job.Drinking green tea is good way to increase it. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does cold water speed up your metabolism
Does Ice Cold Water Really Speed Up Your Metabolism??
I believe drinking cold water will burn calories. Icy cold water requires that your body warm it up before it can actually use it…therefore burning calories. It’s not a good idea to do though, if you’re exercising. When you’re exercising,…
Will drinking three glasses of cold water twenty minutes before a…?
It won’t have jumpstarted it.. But drinking ice cold water burns more calories that normal water as the body has to heat it up. Eat an icecube to jumpstart your metabolism because you’re tricking your body into thinking it’s eating food. x …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does Ice Cold Water Really Speed Up Your Metabolism?
Q: I have heard different things…Some people say that Ice cold water speeds up your metabolism and others say it slows it down….I was wondering what your thoughts or comments are on this. Thanks!
A: I believe drinking cold water will burn calories. Icy cold water requires that your body warm it up before it can actually use it…therefore burning calories.It’s not a good idea to do though, if you’re exercising. When you’re exercising, your body needs more hydration, more quickly. So, drinking chilled water (instead of icy cold) will help hydrate your body quicker.Research has shown that cold water passes through the stomach faster and is therefore sent to the intestines for quicker absorption. During and after exercise, you want to rapidly replace fluids lost due to sweating, so cold water is better than icy cold.
Does cold water really speed up metabolism?
Q: I´VE heard that ice cold water speeds up matabolism, but I also heard that it retards digestion and makes fat harder. ¿Which is right?Thanks!
A: not sure..but it does make you feel fuller so you eat less
Why does drinking cold water speed up your metabolism??
A: Because your body has to work harder to bring it up to body temperature!

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