Does jump roping work out your abs

Does jump roping work out your abs

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does jump roping work out your abs”,you can compare them.

Jumping rope isn’t an ab exercise, but jumping rope can help burn bodyfat which might make it easier to see your abs. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does jump roping work out your abs
Does skipping (using a jump rope) work the abs??
not at all. if you want abs well guess what you already have them. its all a matter of getting rid of belly fat and to get rid of fat has to do with your diet and aerobic exercises. jumping rope is good for getting that pack showing if that…
Is jump roping and doing crunches enough for me to get abs??
Abs are already there. If you want to get them ripped, NO! Jumping rope and crunches will only tone. If you did it enough, you might get some results but it mainly depends on the look that you are going after. I saw one person that did leg …
Is jumping rope a good cardio to help lose the fat on my abs??
Jump rope is a really good cardio exercise, but if you noticed while doing them, your delts hurt more than anything else. A good way to lose fat on your abs is to incorporate other execises while jump roping. For example, a circuit workout,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do you think jump roping and working on your abs is a good exercise?
Q: im just starting out to exercise again, do you think if I use a jope rope and work my abs that will work? I want to lose or tone my mid section. I will also watch what im eating too.
A: You’ll burn fat, tone your legs, and even tone your stomach by jumping rope. That’s one of the best forms of cardio you can actually do.
How does Jumping Rope work your Abs, I know it helps the legs and shoulders, but how does it affect your Abs?
A: it can help slim your stomach down and areas around it. Just make sure whatever you are doing in exercise always suck your stomach in so you are always working it even when your just running. Then to get more of an effect try different routines of crunches
Does skipping (using a jump rope) work the abs?
A: not at all. if you want abs well guess what you already have them. its all a matter of getting rid of belly fat and to get rid of fat has to do with your diet and aerobic exercises. jumping rope is good for getting that pack showing if thats your question but running is so much better you lose much more calories.

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