How to build arm muscle quick

How to build arm muscle quick

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Make sure you eat high quality protein, drink lots of water and lift high weight with low reps. ChaCha away! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to build arm muscle quick
How to Build Arm Muscle
・ 1 Target the biceps and triceps. Your upper arms need the most attention. Concentrate on exercises that… ・ 2 Consider a gym membership for heavy-duty weight training. There are plenty of at-home techniques, but… ・ 3 Practice push-ups …
What is the best way to build arm muscle?
the best way to build arm muscle is to gain weight for every inch on your arms, you need to gain 20-30 pounds of bodyweight this is best done by lifting heavy weights in compound movements for the lower and upper body for instance, squats, …
Does jogging with weights help you build arm muscle?
When you jog with weights in your hand they pull at your joints as you swing them resulting in joint pain and possibly harmful problems.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Build up upper arm muscle quick?
Q: Well, I have practically no fat on my body, which has its downfalls, such as, people thinking I’m really weak. I want to build up the muscle in my biceps and triceps. Is there any exercises that I can do without going to a gym or using machines like bowflex and stuff?P.S. I’m 13.
A: i would say buy some 15 lb dumbbell and start out with those by doing these exercises*Bicep StrengtheningSit on a chair and hold a dumbbell weight in the hand of the arm to be exercised. Rest the forearm of that arm on your thigh. Keeping the elbow steady as the pivot point of the exercise, slowly bend the elbow so that the weight comes up toward your face. Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting level. Repeat this exercise 20 times with a 30 second rest after ten repetitions.*Tricep StrengtheningSit on a chair facing a mirror. Hold a dumbbell weight in the hand of your arm to be exercised. Raise that arm up to a position where the elbow is by your ear and your head is back by your shoulder bone. Keeping your elbow steady as the pivot point of the exercise, slowly straighten the elbow. Then, lower the weight back down to the shoulder by bending the elbow. Do this exercise 10 times. Rest 30 seconds and repeat again 10 more times for a total of 20 repetitions. *Rhomboid/Posterior Deltoid LiftLying on your stomach on a narrow table, drop both arms straight down off the table toward the floor. Grasp a dumbbell weight in each hand and lift them up directly to your sides without bending your elbows. Slowly lower the weights down to your starting position. Repeat for a total of 25 repetitions. Repeat the above exercise 25 more times, but this time bend your elbows as you raise your arms to your sidesthese should help you out maybe talk to your parents about getting some dumbbells. start out with like a 10 or 15 lb weight dont cause yourself pain by starting out heavy once you realize that the weight becomes lighter it will be a good chance to change to a heavier weight
Quickest way to build arm muscle (biceps and triceps)?
Q: I know you have to work out and it will take a while but like what is the quickest way and best exercise to do it? How often do you do it a day and for how long? Thanks.
A: I, personally, work my biceps and triceps 2-3 x a week. That may be over training for some. You need at LEAST 1 days rest in between, at a BARE minimum.I personally do a varierty of exercises.For biceps…Machine cable curlsDumbbell curlsConcentration curlsPreacher curlsBarbell curlsAnd for triceps, I work them from benching and tricep pull downs.Another IMPORTANT part is nutrition, just as, if not more, important than actually working out. You need at LEAST 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight daily (150 lbs = 150 grams).
I want to build up muscle quick What supplements?
Q: I want to build muscle all over esp arms shoulders and chest. What are the best supplements to take to help me oviously im training at the gym but i want a little help. Also how often take itincluding names of supplements
A: Not much in the way of legal supplements that will help you build muscle any faster.I suppose you already know you must take in a lot of protein but nothing like the s*itloads the pros eat every day.Your liver and kidneys can only take so much.Find yourself a “muscle building” supplement with lots of carbohydrates and protein, make sure that it contains not only sugars but plenty of more complex carbs.This way you will get an energy release that will last for hours and have much more energy at the gym.You want your blood sugar to be regulated correctly and also store glucogen in the muscles for effective training.Correct carb intake is key to effective training.

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