How can i work out my pc muscle

How can i work out my pc muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i work out my pc muscle”,you can compare them.

Find/locate your PC muscle, and learn how to contract and release it….much like working-out any other muscle in your body. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i work out my pc muscle
How does one work out the pc muscle?
well make sure you are erect, and pinch the base of your penis, the tip will become shiny and hold for 30 seconds do it 10 times, and do it 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, you should see some improvement
How to make PC muscle work out?
No it doesn’t moron (sorry but you are) look it up on google. Kay I will try to help here though, you know when you have to pee and you hold it back or when you are holding back on taking a crap? Well that muscle holding it back is the P…
How do you perform Kegel Exercises correctly? I want to work out …?
a routine i picked up has you squeeze for 5 seconds then rest for 2. do as many as you can until you can do 100 at a time. then squeeze and hold for a whole minute or however long you can, if it gets harder just squeeze harder. then hold a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you perform Kegel Exercises correctly? I want to work out my PC muscle?
Q: I’ve only tried them one time so far. I squeezed for 5 seconds and rested for 10 seconds..and i did this about 10 times. I plan on doing this every other day. Is that enough to see results in a timely manner? I know all of the pros already but what are the cons of doing kegel exercises?
A: You should perform them around 100 times to see effect, as far as I know.There aren’t any cons. Go to this website and check the kegel exercise: my ID:cm678d6m6
how does one work out the pc muscle?
Q: I want to work on the PC muscle but have no idea how too….
A: well make sure you are erect, and pinch the base of your penis, the tip will become shiny and hold for 30 seconds do it 10 times, and do it 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, you should see some improvement
How do you work out your PC muscles?
Q: I want to work out my PC muscles, using the Kegel exercises, but I don’t really get it. I tried the urination trick to figure out where the PC muscles are, but I am still confused. Are the PC muscles to to be exercised, located below my balls? Or are they located right underneath the head of my penis. Because when I try the urinating trick I felt something in both places. I am not really sure which area I am supposed to exercise. Should I be erect when doing these exercises? I just assumed that I am supposed to squeeze right below my shaft while masturbating as the Kegel exercises.
A: For guys, this is really easy! When you have an erection, drape a washcloth over yourself and, without using your hands, make the washcloth go up and down. Like push ups for your..well…you know 😉

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