How to exercise the PC muscle

How to exercise the PC muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to exercise the PC muscle”,you can compare them.

The PC (Pubococcygeus) muscle is strengthened by performing Kegal exercises. Kegal exercises involve isometrically contracting the muscle. There are 3 types of Kegal exercises, essentially alternating the way in which the muscles are contracted. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to exercise the PC muscle
How to Exercise the PC Muscle
As with any exercise routine, it takes time. Don’t expect to flex the muscle once or twice and then be the master of your domain. It will take weeks and even months of practice before you can sufficiently control your own ejaculation. But i…
Should i exercise my pc muscle?
I’m 15 (16 in June) and I certinaly excersise my PC muscle. It helps with prolonging orgasms and preventing premature ejaculation when having sex. Do not use the method of stopping your urine mid-passing however, as it is bad for you and ca…
Does PC muscle exercise really help?
Kegels take at least a month to take effect. 6-7 seconds wow.. Keep working them, but don’t overdo it. Google low serotonin levels.. you might have them. If you have any other symptoms of low serotonin it might be worth finding out some way…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: Has anybody actually defeated premature ejaculation by exercising the PC muscle? If so, how do you exercise? Sets of what and how many? I heard it could be harmful as well, is this a myth?
A: yes, pc muscle exercises work
does the pc muscle exercise actually work?
Q: has anybody felt the difference? how long does it take to start seeing or feeling a difference?
A: Yes. It can do a lot of things. For males, it can increase the amount and the distance of ejaculation.For females, it can allow the woman to “grip” her partner, providing more pleasure.For both it can increase the frequency and/or strength of the orgasms, but it also has the health benefit of guarding against incontinence as age increases.
Can I exercise my PC muscle, safely?
Q: Few questions about my PC Muscle. Can I actually make it stronger? What exercises could I do to make it stronger? Is it safe to strengthen that muscle through exercise? Will strengthening it actually make me last longer? A lot longer? Will it make my ejaculations stronger?
A: yes. As you pee, squeeze your butt cheeks together so your stream of urine stops. If you succeed, you are using the correct muscle. do this repeatedly throughout the day; holding for 10 seconds each.

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