What are some good breast exercises to increase my breast size

What are some good breast exercises to increase my breast size

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some good breast exercises to increase my breast size”,you can compare them.

Train the pectoralis muscles. Here are some exercises: Incline chest press, barbell chest press, pullup, and the ALMIGHTLY PUSHUP [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-breast-exercises-to-increase-my-breast-size ]
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What are some good exercises to increase your chest/breast size?
Q: Need some exercises that lift my chest…have down some in the past but after a certain point i started losing weight and the size began to decrease…any exercise suggestions or tips??thanks!
A: LOL…you’re like me and allot of women. Just don’t lose weight and keep up the exercise. Push ups can increase, but your breasts are fatty tissue, so I may have to gain a little, but keep up the excercise to keep everything toned. That’s what I did, it drove me nuts trying to keep my boobs after I had my kids. I even tried one of those companies that give you pills for it. All I did was grow more hair. So I just keep up my excercise and don’t try to lose weight. I don’t make a pig of myself, but you need meat on your body to get the breast size you want.
do breast exercises really work? how can you naturally increase breast size?
Q: I am looking for ways other than pills and perscriptions to naturally enhance breast size. Any suggestions?
A: Fake inserts work the best (fillets) Some even come with nipples!Some excercise can build up on the muscles beneath your boobs, but it can also burn fat making your boobs even smaller. Unless you gain weight, your boobs won’t really get bigger.
some exercises to increase breast size?
A: i will suggest one oil for massage (kamakshi tone). Apply it on both sides you will see the effect in one month’s time.

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