What exercise works out your pectoral muscle

What exercise works out your pectoral muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What exercise works out your pectoral muscle”,you can compare them.

Seated chest presses, cable crossovers, incline flyes and bench presses all work out your pec muscles. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exercise-works-out-your-pectoral-muscle ]
More Answers to “What exercise works out your pectoral muscle
Which exercise works your pectoral muscles.?
bench press, floor press, pushups, chest flys
Is there any exercises that work on one pectoral muscle??
flys with a cable machine and only work out the left side, or bench press with dumb bells and only do the left side, but with this one you’ll need to have a dumb bell in the right hand to stabilize you on the bench.
What exercises can I do to work out my pectoral muscles??
Good ole fashion push ups! Don’t cost you nothing and you don’t need any special equipment. Do them every other day so you don’t get burned out.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is there any exercises that work on one pectoral muscle?
Q: for example is there a way to work on the left pectoral muscle instead of the right pectoral muscle? i.e. pectoral muscle is chest muscle
A: flys with a cable machine and only work out the left side, or bench press with dumb bells and only do the left side, but with this one you’ll need to have a dumb bell in the right hand to stabilize you on the bench.
What are some good exercises for your Pectoral Muscles?
Q: I am 14 and have man breasts that I extremely want to get rid of. What are some exercises that work the best and can remove my man breasts?
A: well, you can do as many work outs as you want but as long as there’s still a lot of fat on top, you’re just going to push that fat farther out with gaining muscle. Firstly, I suggest you lose some fat. Cardio is great for this.As for the muscle-gain, push ups if you’re at home, and you can do them at different angles to hit different peaks (for this, you can put your feet up on something about a foot high, then reverse it so your hands are higher.)At the gym, start with machines and cables, then work your way to the dumbbells to do flat, incline, decline lifts, then fly presses. If you don’t know how to do these workouts, and you would like more information as to how to do these exercises, feel free to email me.
Is there an alternate pushup-type exercise that still works the same muscles?
Q: I don’t want to bend my wrists in that position with all my body weight. Is there another way to work the back and pectoral muscles with the same results???
A: Yep. I use bands and do isometric exercises. It’s great for the pecs, abs, upper back, and shoulder muscles. You can find them at any sport shoppe!They do come in different “weights”, too.

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