What exercise helps build speed

What exercise helps build speed

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What exercise helps build speed”,you can compare them.

Many athletes and trainers use plyometric jumping exercises to build power and speed, improve coordination and agility and effectively improve sports performance. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exercise-helps-build-speed ]
More Answers to “What exercise helps build speed
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Are there any exercises or ways to help him build up his speed??
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What exercises will help me build speed and agility?
Q: wat exercises will help me build speed and agility? i currently run and jumprope(jumproping was friends idea. his quote”boxers have to have a reason to jumprope.”)
A: Nice quote by your friend.Jumping rope does help a little with your agility but more so on staying warmed up and conditioning.I would try to throw some hill runs or stadiums once a week. And I would ask if you are on a lifting program, because that will also help a lot. With your agility you need to do some cone runs, work your abs so that your core strength is there and also work on becoming more flexible.Best of Luck!!!e-mail if you need more or someone in your area for private coaching
I recently started working out again, and i am trying to drop weight and build speed, any suggestions?
Q: I way about 250lbs and i am trying to build muscle and define it. I have a chance to play football again so I am trying to build speed back up. I am curious about some exercises that can help with my speed.
A: running or skipping!!!persist with your workout . and slowly work up til you think you have met you optimal speed.good luck!
Does anyone know of good plyometric exercises to gain speed for football?
Q: I wanna know some good plyometric exercises that will help me build speed,agility,explosive power and quick change of direction skills other than kickbutts and knee lifts.While im on the subject of football whats the best way to lower your shoulders when running with the ball and when tackling?
A: Speed comes from the core. I did all the training I could, built leg muscle and ran, but I didn’t gain a lot of speed until I worked the core. I went from a 5.6 40 to a 5.3/5.2 40 working the legs and running. Then all speed stopped, I was stuck at 5.2. I really started to concentrate on core strength. I work my abs and obliques all the time. Then I started to gain speed again. I went from my 5.2 to a 4.9. I hit my personal best at an evaluation…woo hoo!

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