What is the average weight in America

What is the average weight in America

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For American women average weight is163 pounds and height 5′ 3.8″. The average American man is 5’9″ and weighs 190 ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-in-america ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight in America
What is the average weight of an american adult?
weights in america differ ALOT. you;ve got really skinny people and somewhat overweight ones. and of course, not forgetting the people of average weight. i really wouldn’t advise taking an average weight, if you were to base your own weight…
What is the average weight for a male in North American??
There is no ‘average’ weight for a male in North America, or anywhere else, because weight is related to height and body composition . For imore information about adult weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights an…
How much weight does the average American gain with age??
The average weight increase of men is about 5 pounds per decade, in women it is 3.5 pounds per decade.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: I mean if every 15 year old girl in America were to have their weights averaged in ( regardless of their heights) what do you think the average weight in pounds would be?I’m just curious. And once again, do NOT say it depends on height and bone structure. I’m asking what the average weight is for a 15 year old girl in America is.Thanks.
A: 132according to the american association of health.
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Q: I’m just curious,no disrespect at all.
A: 1 overweight slob = 2 average white trash.
What do you think the average weight is in america?
Q: or on this site also?
A: for women?? it’s currently around 140-150#. A size 14 is the female average in the US. It’s considered plus size in the clothing world. That’s bc designers use a size 2 as a base. That would put it at about where I was in 7th grade. I don’t really think that’s considered a womanly physique!

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