What happens during a male physical

What happens during a male physical

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During a male physical a number of things may happen such as blood work, temperature, vital signs being taken and testicle check [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-during-a-male-physical ]
More Answers to “What happens during a male physical
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What happens when a male gets a physical. what do they do??
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What happens during a male physical exam?
Q: Im 17 and my mon said i have to go see my doctor for a checkup. I am really nervous about it because i haven’t had one in such a long time and because my doctor is a woman? What does the doctor due during the exam? My friend said that i will have to get naked and that she will touch my penis and testicles. Is this true? Will i have to give a drug test? Thank you for your help!!
A: Honestly, I would recommend a male doctor for a guy your age, especially if you are straight. I’ve always preferred male doctors. She is going to touch your penis and balls, but only for a second. Unless she is examining you for a school sponsored sports team, you shouldn’t have to submit to a drug test. Have you been smoking the chronic…….LOL
What happens during a male’s physical exam?
Q: Are there different types? Or are they all the same where they touch your testicles and stuff? I am getting a job at a hospital and the human resources lady said that a nurse will be doing my physical so does that mean that it will be less extensive or can nurses give the same physical exam that a physician can?
A: A nurse is fully capable at doing a physical exam, INCLUDING listening to the heart and lungs (they do it all the time in the hospitals!).There are different exam levels. How indepth your specific exam will be depends on what level the HR department wants.
What happens during a male high school physical exam?
Q: I’m going to high school as a freshman starting September, and in order to do that, I need a physical. I remember having one to go into middle school, but I figure they CAN’T all be the same, so I was wondering, what happens during a male physical exam when the person is going into high school? >.<‘ To tell you the truth, the only part I really want to know about, is the part about the NEEDLES. The last time, I just had a pin prick on my finger, and that was it. Though I’m worried that it’ll be different this time… Like a pin prick, then a blood test, and then 5 shots! D: Could someone please clarify this up for me?
A: Dude for a physical the nurse will weigh you and then will measure your height take you to the room and tell you to strip down to your boxers or whatever you wear so wear some nice clean ones with no holes. The doctor will come in and listen to your heart your lungs make look into your ears and eyes. make you lay down and poke around your torso feeling the various organs to feeling if they are okay. at this point he may pull down the front of your boxers and check your man tool making sure it looks okay if your uncircumcised he will pull back on the foreskin. He will make you stand and make you bend over checking the alignment of your spine and make you walk to see what your walk is like. he will make you drop your boxers and feel your nuts on both sides then he will press up above your nuts and make you cough on both sides so to check for a hernia he may take some blood to see if your chemically balanced and send you on your way they need to check to make sure if you go into any sports your healthy and can deal with it. He will also update any vaccinations you need to have like tetnus or chicken poxBe cool wear clean underwearcurtdudeOh and you are too young to have the finger wave to check yoru prostate that is where the doctor will stick his finger in your butt and feel if you have a enlarged prostate but that happens about the age of 40 or so. no worries

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