What is the world record in squat

What is the world record in squat

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Brent MikeSell took that record away from Ed Coan when he hit 1041 on the squat. Thanks for doin’ the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-world-record-in-squat ]
More Answers to “What is the world record in squat
What is world record in bench press, deadlift, and squat??
depends on weight class but all time highest i believe are 1010 bench press, 1215 squat, 1003 Deadlift,
What is the world record for women in weightlifting for the squat…?
The squat is catagorised more specifically as a powerlifting or weight-training exercise or more simply weightlifting. The heaviest squat for a women with no equipment (100 % raw) is around 285 Kg However of all time, Becca Swanson lifted 3…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the world record for Deadlifting and Squats?
A: Go to the bookstore and check out the Guiness World record book!
What is the official world record for the highest “vertical leap” by a male?
Q: I doubt “vertical leap” is the proper term for such a a jump, but what I mean is when the participant stands in one position, and squats down a little to try and jump upwards as high as possible, using a lot of leg strength, without moving forwards or backwards, just up and down. Remember that the world record must be official and it must be by a male sportsperson. Thank you very much.
A: It would have to be an olympic Volleyball player of some sort. Those guys are ridiculous with verticals. Also, contrary to popular belief, NBA players do not have high verticals and almost all of them are under 40″. NFL players actually have higher verts than NBA players and track and field sprinters(nationally or world ranked) have higher verticals also. Think about it, if Lebron really had the 44″ vert they say he has, he would be able to stand under the goal flat footed and leap and get his head 4″ over the rim. He might be able to do that, and I respect his jumping ability, however the numbers that people throw around are blown up. MJ’s real vert at the Birmingham Barrons in 1993 was 38″, that was right out of basketball so don’t say he was out of shape or something.Leonel Marshal from cuba actually does have close to a 50″ vertical. Go watch some videos on youtube, and remember the volleyball net they play on is around 8′. Also Michael Wilson from the globe trotters was pretty amazing.
Does anyone know the world records for the bench press and squat?
A: According to the IPF web site:Bench Press 337.5 kg (742.5 lbs)Squat 457.5kg (1006.5 lbs)

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