Which burns more calories walking or running

Which burns more calories walking or running

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Which burns more calories walking or running”,you can compare them.

Running burns a lot more calories. 1 mile running burns about 100 calories. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-burns-more-calories-walking-or-running ]
More Answers to “Which burns more calories walking or running
Does Running Burn More Calories Than Walking?
What is best is to jog first to get your heart pumping at a higher rate than is usual, then slow down to keep your heart at that target rate. That keeps it pumping to burn calories, but it isn’t exerting it and causing it to hurt. I normall…
Does Walking or Running Burn More Calories?
Liz Neporent is a diet and fitness expert and author of 12 fitness bestsellers. She regularly appears on national TV programs and is the president of Wellness 360, a New-York based wellness provider. You can also follow her on Twitter @lizz…
How many calories burned by walking or running? Formula?
It takes 5 calories to consume one liter of oxygen. Speed of running does not influence the number of calories being spent. However faster you walk, more calories you burn, finally arriving at a cross over point where walking burns more cal…

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Brisk walking vs running? Which burns more calories/fat?
Q: I was told by a colleague at work today that brisk walking burns more than running does, and he put particular emphasis on ‘burning fat’. I remember in science at school we were taught somthing about different types of exercise – well the effect it has on the body to be precise… Something about aerobic and anerobic. What do these statements mean and can you give examples of each of these effects by exercises in action? e.g. swimming, dancing etc… Look forward to your answers guys n gals 🙂
A: Running will burn calories faster than brisk walking. The distance covered is the determining factor as to how many calories are burned. A slow walk, a brisk walk,or a fast run of a mile all burn the same number of calories. The difference is the amount of time to cover the mile.Aerobic means with oxygen. Anaerobic means without oxygen, which would be impossible for a human. So I am assuming that you are referring to non-aerobic exercise.The difference is that aerobic exercise produces a marked increase in the heart & breathing rates, while non-aerobic produces only a slight increase in heart & breathing rates.Running, swimming, & dancing would be examples of aerobic exercise. Slow walking would be a non-aerobic exercise. Brisk walking would fall somewhere in between depending on how brisk the walk is.
What burns more calories: running downhill or walking downhill?
Q: Sounds like an odd question, but when running downhill, your own momentum does most of the “work”. However, walking downhill often feels like you need to use more energy.
A: Calories, are used to move your body. Whether it is uphill, downhill, or on the flat you are using the same amount of energy to cover the same distance.Just like the difference in running 1 mile or walking 1 mile the energy is the same, the difference is the time required to cover the distance. So, running uses more energy, but you finish faster, walking uses energy at a lower rate, but it takes longer to finish.The total energy is the same.
How much more calories does running burn than walking or even jogging?
Q: do i burn more calories running 2 miles straight, really fast then i do jogging or walking 2 miles straightand if so does that mean that i could actually burn more calories running 2 miles than i could jogging or walking 3 or more??THANK YOU
A: Rule of thumb is that you burn about the same calories per mile, but just faster (so, calories per mile is the same, but calories per hour is different)…I guess you could compare it to your car (pretty much the same mile per gallon no matter what speed, except less efficient in the city with all the stopping and starting)…so do what you like and have time for. Whaterver you do, if you occasionally crank it up a notch for intervals, your strength and endurance will improve greatly.

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