How much should a person run in a day

How much should a person run in a day

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If you are a beginning runner, start slowly. Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much should a person run in a day
How much should a person weighing 80 kg run a day? to get fat fre…?
Run at a slower speed but for longer periods of time get your heart rate going but don’t run at a point at which you get exhasuted find a comfortable pace that you are able to talk lightly with someone else. That is a good measure to see. O…

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How many miles a person should run a day?
Q: How many miles a person should run a day, or much exercise a person needs to stay fit?
A: two or three miles. But any running is better than no running
how much should a person weighing 80 kg run a day? to get fat free???
Q: i want to reduce fat like hell…can i do that by excessive running alone? i get completely exhausted when i run continuously for 2 minutes…i know that’s too bad condition..i wanna increae much should one be able to run continuosly? and for how long? please give me advise..
A: Run at a slower speed but for longer periods of timeget your heart rate going but don’t run at a point at which you get exhasutedfind a comfortable pace that you are able to talk lightly with someone else. That is a good measure to see.Once you are at the pace at which you can make light conversation without dying, set your timer at 15 or 20’s not that much but as long as you keep it up DAILY WITHOUT MISSING A SINGLE DAY, you WILL see a positive improvement, guaranteed
How many miles should a person run per day?
Q: just to stay in shape and maintain.
A: That depends on your personal level of fitness, and your reason for running in the first place. If you’re running to get in shape and your moderately overweight, you start by walking one to two miles a day for the first couple weeks. Then move up to running 2 to 3 times a week to ease your joints into the routine.If you’re already in shape and looking to compete, check out Runner’s World magazine. They have an indepth workout plan/schedule for those who are new to competitve running.

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