Is cracking your fingers bad

Is cracking your fingers bad

Health related question in topics Health Fitness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “Is cracking your fingers bad”,you can compare them.

Cracking your knuckles can cause habitual trauma to the joint leading to osteoarthritis. But the link is tentative. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is cracking your fingers bad
well my teacher says that it can not give atheritis that was m teacher sya her soctor says it you just have to try to stop bad habbit for 21 days to brake yur bad habbit if it does not work email me at jessy654thanx alot no
not really good to do that, becuase it wears out the cartilage. no cartilage pain in hands when u are older aka arthiritis
You may have grown up under the impression that cracking your fingers could cause harm. Personally, I can remember my mother telling me that it would cause arthritis. But in fact, cracking your knuckles will cause you no harm. When you crac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is cracking your fingers bad for them?
Q: I am 13 and i crack or click my fingers quite allot of the time. Some people say that it causes arthritis?
A: This is a big MYTH that adults through the ages have been telling. I believed it too until I went to school for massage and learned the anatomy of our joints. Your joints are made up of a bursa sac that is filled with a lubricant called synovial fluid. When you crack your knuckles the “popping” sound is a rapid release of the gas bubbles in the synovial fluid. The sites I list have pictures of what the joints look like and the bottom one explains other reasons your joints may make sounds.Cracking your knuckles will not make them big or give you arthritis.
Is cracking/snapping your fingers bad for them, or does it just make them more flexible?
Q: I snap/crack my fingers by just holding out my fingers and bending them towards the back of my hand. (I think this hurts less and is easier than bending them inward)
A: just releases gas in the joint – nothing more, nothing less.My proof:
Is cracking your fingers bad?
Q: like when people push on their fingers and make a faint crack noise?i heard it was bad and that it could make your hands weak as u get older?
A: not really good to do that, becuase it wears out the cartilage. no cartilage pain in hands when u are older aka arthiritis

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