Is it more effective to take protein before or after a workout

Is it more effective to take protein before or after a workout

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it more effective to take protein before or after a workout”,you can compare them.

Eat protein after a workout. To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible. Women, in particular, may need protein after resistance training. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it more effective to take protein before or after a workout
Is it effective to take protein shake before workout or after wor…?
There are differnet kinds of protein stacks these days. I have one type in the morning and just before sleeping… and another type (WPI) immediately following a workout. The WPI protein stack is best for immediate release of protein and nu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it effective to take protein shake before workout or after workout?
A: There are differnet kinds of protein stacks these days. I have one type in the morning and just before sleeping… and another type (WPI) immediately following a workout. The WPI protein stack is best for immediate release of protein and nutrients to pumped muscles. The other is a kind of slow release protein stack loaded with amino acids and vitamins that keeps you well fed through the night and to kick you off during the day. Protein drinks have become quite sofisticated in recent years..
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Q: is it better to take in your protein before or after a workout??
A: After.because if you work out while full you will get cramps and your body cant give as much effort to the weights as its spending energy is to take a shake immedialelty AFTER then its in the system quickly but without stressing your stomach!
should I eat protein before or after a workout at the gym?
Q: when is it more effective to eat protein to help build muscle.. before or after the workout?
A: Actually, both. Have a small, protein-rich snack (protein bar/ protein shake), about half an hour before your workout, and then eat a small meal with lots of protein and some carbs an hour after your workout for optimum results.

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