Which burns more calories, running a mile or walking a mile

Which burns more calories, running a mile or walking a mile

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Which burns more calories, running a mile or walking a mile”,you can compare them.

Speed has only a small effect on the calories burned per mile. If you walk briskly for a mile or if you run a mile, you burn about the same calories. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-burns-more-calories%2C-running-a-mile-or-walking-a-mile ]
More Answers to “Which burns more calories, running a mile or walking a mile
Do you burn as many calories walking a mile as you do running a m…?
The truth is that speed does matter. Running burns calories at about twice the rate of walking. Part of the explanation is this: when you exercise, you burn five calories for every liter of oxygen you consume. Running involves the consumpti…
Does walking a mile burn the same amount of calories as running o…?
it is not whether you choose to run or walk that will determine how many calories you burned…it will depend on how far you go. If you choose to walk a mile or run a mile you are carrying the same load over the same distance. Work, in this…
Does walking a mile and running a mile burn the same amount of ca…?
I get really tired and sore, im not fat, after running a mile, plus, my dog does not ever get enough exercise. So, I generally walk the mile for my dog so he gets more time outside. My question is walking a mile and running a mile burning…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What burns more calories- Walking a Mile or Running a Mile? Or is it the same?
A: Essentially, you burn about the same amount of calories running or walking a mile. You burn about 100 calories per mile either way (minus variables for gender, fitness level, age, etc). Obviously, you work harder running, but remember you are also taking less time. The walker continues to burn calories for a longer amount of time to cover the same distance.Now, if the question is, who burns more calories, walking for 30 minutes or running for 30 minutes…then the answer is clearly the runner…who clearly covers more mileage than the walker.
Is it true than running a mile burns the same amount of calories as walking a mile?
Q: walking just takes longer too burn off the calories?
A: How much you burn mainly depends on your weight:For a 128 lbs person —running 10 min to make a mile burns—-94 calwalking 20 min to make a mile burns—-44 calSo running a mile definitely burns more.
Does walking a mile and running a mile burn the same amount of calories?
Q: I get really tired and sore, im not fat, after running a mile, plus, my dog does not ever get enough exercise. So, I generally walk the mile for my dog so he gets more time outside. My question is walking a mile and running a mile burning the same amount of calories?
A: Of course not, running a mile burns a lot more calories than walking a mile.

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