What is the normal wieght for a 14 year old

What is the normal wieght for a 14 year old

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the normal wieght for a 14 year old”,you can compare them.

To accurately calculate the normal weight for a 14 year old, I need to know your height as well. But the average is around 120 pounds. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-normal-wieght-for-a-14-year-old ]
More Answers to “What is the normal wieght for a 14 year old
What is the normal wieght for a 14 year old?
Depends on Height
How can a 13 year old girl lose weight?
Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health p…
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I think you’re fine for your age. But if you really are concerned and want to lose weight then I suggest you try working out? diets? etc. And being called anorexic and chubby hurt equally.. I dont know of any guys that like really reall…

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A: well im a girl & im about 109 🙂 5 feet 3 & 14 too btw 😛 so i would guess that because your a boy, you should weigh more.about 115lbs+?? in google check your bmi & it will give a more or less accurate estimation. 18.5-25 is “normal” :Pgood luck (y)
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what is the normal wieght of a 14 year old?
Q: justt need to knowif im 5,7 thanks
A: ummm we needa know ur height…but i would say 115

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