What is the best creatine supplement to take

What is the best creatine supplement to take

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best creatine supplement to take”,you can compare them.

EAS Phosphagen Elite boosts muscular strength and power and delays muscle fatigue. It’s creatine with taurine and the new beta-alanine. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-creatine-supplement-to-take ]
More Answers to “What is the best creatine supplement to take
Is there a best time to take creatine supplements?
the loading dose is required to saturate your muscle with creatine, so that it can increase the water retention and the cell size. This way you will be able retain greater quantity of nutrients. But usually the loading phase is about 5 days…
What is a good creatine supplement to take pre, and or post worko…?
im about to try BSN cell mass. but its not like there are secret supplements that u cant just go look at so u can find something without monhydrate urself
Is it best to take supplements to bulk up, protein, creatine etc …?
Sam, Gald to hear of all the succes your having in the gym If you want to pack size you need to eat more anf lift less. Sounds kind of strange but here is what I mean. If you want mass hit big moves and cuyt back on reps and sets. Besides i…

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Hands down best creatine supplement to take?
Q: I take syntha 6 for my post workout shake and have seen results and love the taste however, whats the best creatine supplement to take and when to take it to take my workouts and training to the next level?
A: If you want a really noticeable pump use Phosphagen HP by EAS- (Creatine in a cell penetrating transport system). There are several EAS Phosphagens on the market- be sure to stick to the original formula- Trust me- it rocks. In 5 days you will notice a huge pump.
When is the best time to take a creatine supplement daily?
Q: My daily workout routine starts off with N.O. Xplode, workout, 100% whey protein shake after work out, and sometimes a muscle milk shake before sleep. I have SizeOn for Gaspari but I’m a little weary of taking a lot of creatine. if i do take it, when is the best time to add it to my routine?
A: Before your workout.
Best creatine supplement for a basketball player?
Q: I play basketball, and I used to take no-explode, but it stopped working for me after about a week and a half. I took it for 2 months and I’m cycling right now. Since it didn’t really work for me, I’m looking to change my creatine supplement. So wat’s the best creatine supplement to take for someone who wants to get stronger and get their muscle bigger, but not get huge and still have a basketball type body.
A: i used six star, i found it works

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